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Your Burning Questions, Answered.

If you don’t see your questions answered in our FAQs, please get in touch and we will follow up with you as soon as we can!

The best time to take a pregnancy test is at least one week after a missed period to get the most accurate results. At this point, your body has time to produce the right amount of hCG hormone to be accurately detected in a test.

Though pregnancy tests can detect hCG in urine as early as four days before your missed period, it is more sensitive in the days after. You can receive a more accurate result from the test by waiting just a bit longer. 

There are major physical risks to any kind of abortion procedure. Risks include infection, incomplete abortion, or abdominal pain. Visit our abortion page to learn more about the risks of each type of abortion procedure. You deserve the facts.

If you’re considering abortion, an ultrasound is a vital step in the pregnancy confirmation process. Learn if your pregnancy is viable (has a heartbeat & is progressing), the location of your pregnancy (if it’s located within the uterus), and how far along you are.

At Mendo Lake Women’s Clinic, we offer no-cost and confidential limited obstetric ultrasounds so you can get answers.

With your permission, and once you are scheduled for your appointment, you can bring a friend, partner, or family member along with you to your appointment. We want you to feel as safe and supported as possible.

You have three pregnancy options: abortion, adoption, and parenting. We can help you explore all of them with a no-cost options consultation after confirming your pregnancy.

Yes, we know finances can be stressful during a time like this. We offer all of our pregnancy services, STD testing, and support at no cost to you.

Safe and Supportive Care

We Inform. You Decide.
Mendo Lake Women's Clinic provides evidence-based pregnancy options education and medical services at no cost to our patients, but we do not refer or perform abortions.