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What Are My Second-Trimester Pregnancy Options?

The second trimester of pregnancy is from week 13 to week 26, a critical period where you may face important decisions about your pregnancy. At this point, there are still three options you can consider: surgical abortion, parenting, and adoption. At Mendo Lake Women’s Clinic, we understand that every woman’s situation is unique. We’re here


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Can STIs Go Away on Their Own?

Certain types of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) or sexually transmitted diseases (STIs) may go away on their own, but don’t leave it to chance. If you have sex of any kind, medical experts recommend you and your partner get regularly tested, even if you don’t have symptoms. What Are the Types of STIs? There are

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Safe and Supportive Care

We Inform. You Decide.
Mendo Lake Women's Clinic provides evidence-based pregnancy options education and medical services at no cost to our patients, but we do not refer or perform abortions.