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What Are My Second-Trimester Pregnancy Options?

The second trimester of pregnancy is from week 13 to week 26, a critical period where you may face important decisions about your pregnancy. At this point, there are still three options you can consider: surgical abortion, parenting, and adoption. At Mendo Lake Women’s Clinic, we understand that every woman’s situation is unique. We’re here


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Abortion Clinic Services
Ectopic Pregnancy

3 Things Needed Before Abortion 

Navigating the topic of abortion can be a complex task, and it doesn’t help that there’s an overwhelming amount of information out there for you to sort through. While there’s a lot to learn when it comes to your abortion options, potential risks, and side-effects, there are a few simple and easy steps to take

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Safe and Supportive Care

We Inform. You Decide.
Mendo Lake Women's Clinic provides evidence-based pregnancy options education and medical services at no cost to our patients, but we do not refer or perform abortions.