What Can Guys Do with an Unplanned Pregnancy?
Has your partner recently revealed that she’s pregnant? It’s ok to feel overwhelmed and unsure of exactly how to move forward. An unexpected pregnancy can be a tough journey to walk through.
How your partner chooses to move forward with her pregnancy is ultimately her decision, but guys do play an essential role during this uncertain time.
Support Your Partner
Showing your partner support during pregnancy can strengthen the bond you have as a couple and provide clarity on the options available. Here are a few ideas on how to best support your partner during an unexpected pregnancy.
Lend A Listening Ear
An unexpected pregnancy is a lot to process. Your partner is likely feeling overwhelmed by the amount of new information coming in at every direction. Being there just to listen as she shares her experience, concerns, and questions will go a long way. Resist the urge to add your own personal advice or feelings for the time being.
Provide Physical Support
Pregnancy is filled with a lot of bodily changes and doctor appointments. Let your partner know you care by offering to go along with her to those appointments. If she’s had an especially hard or long day at work, you could offer to bring dinner by or cook for her.
If she is dealing with a lot of morning sickness, be sensitive to the fact that she may not feel up to her usual schedule of events. Taking a day to watch her favorite movie or TV show may be just the ticket.
Educate and Prepare Yourself
Options for an unexpected pregnancy include parenting, abortion, or adoption. It is up to your girlfriend to choose the best option for her situation; however, educating yourself on these options is a good idea.
As the pregnancy progresses, your partner may ask for your input or advice on which option to choose. Understanding the details of these options will allow you to share your feelings and be a real asset to your partner.
Finding Assistance
Help is available for couples experiencing an unexpected pregnancy. Mendo Lake Women’s Clinic provides pregnancy and sexual health services for women and their partners.
Encourage your partner to have her pregnancy confirmed with a medical-grade pregnancy or ultrasound. The care she deserves is waiting at Mendo Lake.
Appointments can be made by texting 707-272-3051 or calling 707-463-1436. Contact our office today for a no-cost, confidential screening.
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